Kinds of Wisdom


Wisdom is light which is inserted in the heart and enables it to discern knowledge, things, ideas and to understand causes.There are 4 kinds of wisdom 1 - ability to understand 2 - ability to differentiate in right and wrong 3 - ability to predict outcomes based on experience 4 - ability to change heart in such a way that you could stay on right and restrain yourself from Sins.

At first kind one can understand things but still has not ability of what is right and wrong and lives in doubt or confuse state. ie - one can understand the losses of wine but still is not sure it is morally right or wrong in some religions. at 2nd stage one can differentiate in right and wrong but still is not capable to make strong decisions on the light of causes or can not stop him or herself from doing wrong things and this is still one did not get the lever of cogitation and fear of sin. 3rd stage is practical and very tough when one steps in society and face world boldly and get much experience and try to discern things, think on causes and make conclusions and predict further future outcomes. 4th stage is fruitful and rarely found type of wisdom when one capables to stop him or herself when action should be taken and when not, what actions should be taken and when not and to what extent and time and so on. - A real wise person is who has ability to restrain himself from wrong and has much control on himself due to its wisdom. wisdom gives us thought and forces us for taking good actions. Islamic Scholars say, that those are wise who have faith on Allah and Prophet peace be upon Him and can feel outcomes of the day of judgement which is future and they know where is longer success for them and act accordingly. According to Islamic scholars the fruit of wisdom is fear of Allah (Taqwa) and in this fear they do good deeds and call others for good deeds. Live in discipline and peace. Content from book of Famous Islamic Scholar Hazrat Imam Ghazali R.A, Book - Ahya' Aloom, Page 160

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